More than 2500 of our coffee out-growers were gathered to celebrate their day at the Daye Bensa Coffee hall on the 14th July 2022 at Daye town with a presence of Bensa district Administrator, department heads of various sectors, invited guests and community and church leaders.

Fig 1: Daye Bensa Coffee Warehouse, Bensa City
Ato Asefa Dukamo, owner and the CEO of Daye Bensa Coffee Export plc has delivered an opening speech with big thanks to coffee farming families who gave a breathe to their coffee so that coffee consuming people around the world sip the same breathe of coffee. To keep this sipping active and alive and to sustain it working on quality is very important. He added that hard but quality works of coffee production and processing will guarantee in paying back with rewards despite the challenges of the global market prices.

Fig 2: Founder/CEO Mr. Asefa Dukamo giving speech He reminded them that Daye Bensa Coffee Company was the only one in introducing specialty and certified coffee processing in the area five years ago as a result coffee under local names like Shantawene, Bombe and Keramo are staging at the global platforms trading specialty coffee of volumes from micro lots to big volumes. There was a time the company made second payments to its members where there was no enough earning due to a loss of market to their coffee. Nowadays thanks to hard work and excellent marketing of the company many competent companies started to work with local farmers providing them with alternative membership and freedom of markets.

Fig 3: 2500+ of our partnering out growers
However, Asefa has underlined that the alternative market doesn’t add values to quality. Whether coffee is traded through one or other channels the only one way for better earnings is improvement in quality farming techniques towards an improvement in yields per hectare and quality coffee harvesting ways from farmers’ side and an improved processing techniques at washing stations. In conclusion Asefa urged them to improve in the areas of quality as Daye Bensa Coffee is always on their side to provide assistance needed at any time, as poor quality leads to poor or no earnings.

Fig 4: A young outgrower enjoying the festivity
A guest of honor, the administrator of the Bensa district delivering a closing speech congratulated Daye Bensa Coffee company and its member farmers for their hard work in providing coffee of world quality, making their names and the name of the region put on the global coffee maps. He acknowledged the works of our company for becoming an example to other companies working in the area paving ways to be sustainable and healthy.

Fig 5: City Administration Officer of Bensa expressing his acknowledgments For this reason Bensa and the surrounding districts are one of the global coffee tourists’ destination areas. He assured that his administration will make available an improved coffee seedlings of specific varieties suitable for local ecology and have resistance to coffee berry disease (CBD) in addition to other technical and professional assistance from relevant departments. He also added that it is his administration’s responsibility to take actions on individuals or investors if they are found violating any agricultural rules throughout the year. As Asefa stressed, his administration will work with coffee growers and companies like Daye Bensa to ensure that high end quality coffee is produced, processed and delivered to the international market.

Fig 6: Award submissions for greatly performing producers As always, Daye Bensa has been providing the second payments to member farmers and deposited to their individual bank accounts so that they will be encouraged to save more in the future and build their financial literacy. The event ended with awards for high performing producers and also blessings from local and religious elders.