Our managers and key workers from all washing stations and processing sites led by the area managerial staff had visited our export processing facilities in Addis.

Fig 1.1: Our Warehouse and Production Expert Yohannes explaining the workarounds of the facilities
With major efforts from our export department who had organized a training and a group discussion with a benchmark as what would be the expectations from coffee buyers. This means as a coffee exporting company the coffee buyers are expected of us to meet a minimum requirement of quality standards in addition to all other contractual agreements. Vis-a-vis our field managers and other actors in coffee processing are also expected in meeting these requirements.
As major coffee quality issues mainly lie with our field workers and managers who operate along with coffee-growing farmers at the grass-root levels it was important to discuss the problems we faced and difficulties we experienced during the last harvest. Of course, there were heavy issues related to weather, nature, and a worldwide climate crisis which we needed to carry on as they were, but we had to focus on issues related to human elements, that could be addressed and fixed.
In doing so our export department led by an export manager provided training on quality, logistics, and warehouse management with a focus on how small error ends up with big damage to quality, reputation, and future markets. In other words, it is true to say that every little bit helps.

Fig 1.2: Our Export Manager Kenean, giving insights into export performance and training With multiple feedbacks and suggestions from Quality Controllers and Station Managers, mainly inciting improper cultivating and harvesting practices from farmers, lack of qualified personnel in the processing sector and surplus amount of harvest have been attributed to some quality mishaps. And had a thorough discussion about how to alleviate these hindrances. Though we operate at different levels of coffee preparations and processing we all are on the same page for a single product that is ‘our green gold’ called coffee. Every damage that might happen at any stage of processing lets everyone down. For the benefit of everyone and to make this business sustainable we need to focus on details without ignoring minor ones, an export manager echoed during a training.

Fig 1.3: Cupping training and session with our Quality Controllers
As the orientation is intended for being able to understand the full circle of a product development, was an enlightening experience. Finally, they had to cup coffee of different grades to understand how end results are mostly determined by the preparations in the beginning in addition to their physical observations to facilities and processing units. After thorough discussions and feedbacks, our managers wowed to do more in response to the training provided.

Fig 1.4 Visit at the Renowned Unity Park The participants had a tour to major sightseeing in the city as a vacation and to ease their minds of the hard work over the harvest season. This tour and training didn't only focus on empowering their expertise but also served as a refreshment and a team-spirit building initiative. After the tour it was concluded with a gala dinner hosted by our CEO and company founders followed by words of encouragement and directions to the next harvest.