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Preparation for next harvest is under way

As the harvest of coffee is nearing us we are busy in engagements of farm to site preparation. A pre-harvest training and awareness creation to our staff members and farmers is being scheduled to take place in early days of September.

More often we are focused on quality and for this reason we are making ourselves busy with various activities even before the kick of the harvest. we have a plan to increase a volume of shade dried coffee for both washed and natural coffee at Bensa area washing stations and at Chire sites. Farmers contact personnel and the leaders from coffee communities are working hand in hand in identifying the drawbacks of last season and setting targets in mitigating them and in improving the quality by adopting good practices of farming techniques.

Members of our Bensa office managerial staffs Ato Girma Jemal and Ato Tefera Deboch attended a workshop organised by Ethiopian Coffee Growers, Producers and Exporters Association in association with USAID and Fintrac between 17-19 July 2018 in Hawassa city. Some of the topics covered were:

Coffee seed and seedling preparation

Coffee Plantation and Management

Washed and Natural coffee processing

Our farm manager Atkilt who is much loved by farmers and coffee buyers is also attending coffee cupping classes in Addis Ababa to add some technical knowledge on top of what she is already equipped with and practiced at field works.

We will update our followers the developments of the activities at our sites.

We would like to invite coffee lovers to contribute towards these blogs and to become our family members.

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