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Bona Qiqe Daye Bensa
Bona (Bona Zuria) is one of 30 district in Sidama. The altitude of Bona is around 2,200m above sea level and located at the highest altitude among other coffee-growing areas in the country.
The coffee available in this area is categorized as Highland Coffee.
Elevation - 1920 – 2330 MASL
Climate - Sunny, Surrounded by Vegetation
Region: Sidama/ Bensa / Bona Village
Processing Method: Natural, Washed & Anaerobic
Processing Stations: Bona
Station Owner/Producer: Asefa Dukamo Korma
Harvest Month: Dec-Feb
Variety - 74158
Gudumale Building, Rooms 101-105,
Gerji-Salitemiret Road, Jakros Area,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251 116 675552
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